Today my baby brother came home from the hospital, and I had to do a lot of household domestics. Overall I have a content feeling of being a part of the whole, a part of a colourful home, that is not perfect but is growing and meeting challenges as they arise. There has been unending conflict since I moved into this house in Freshwater but I do believe that If I step up to the plate and contribute as much as possible it will not be wasted energy, my personality and life skills will be improved in the long haul. Also lovely Frankie magazine came out today with a story about creative types and their habitats and my were they prettyful and dynamic. The above picture is of my inspiration wall, which is changed regularly and provides a great deal of creative thought and overall eye pleasure. I think it is important to have some sort of creative outlet like this in the home. It helps you keep in touch with your intrinsic identity and reminds you of the things that you consider important xx.
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