Tuesday, 24 June 2008

End of Semester!

Oh thank all the goodness in the world that the university semester is finally over!  I did enjoy aspects of it, including meeting new people that have become good friends, experiencing what going to uni is all about and not having to be there every day :)  I wish that I had done more reading, as when I was cramming for exams I realized that they are actually quite interesting.  I do believe that I did really badly in my exams but thankfully I got top grades in my essays so hopefully that will make up for them.  It is all just experience anyway so I have nothing to complain about! Especially since I will have the time of my life making up for lost time that I could have used to have lots of fun with my favorite people xx. 

Monday, 23 June 2008

Mary Quant

"Fashion is not frivolous.  It is a part of being alive today."
So you know how I discover something and then obsess about it incessantly, annoying everyone within earshot about how amazing it is an how much I love it? My past (and current) obsessions include Florence Broadhurst, the colour red, crocheting, Belle and Sebastian, indie music in general, the swinging 60s, Across the Universe the movie and soundtrack, plastic vintage beads, Andy Warhol, Bill Henson, magazines (I swear I have OCD for newsagents, whenever I go remotely close to one I HAVE to go in even if I know that my magazines arn't out at that point.  If I don't it will annoy me for the rest of the day, not that I resist the urge, well ever!) and Avril Lavigne (oh the shame!).  So anyway, I thought I would warn you in advance about the latest love of my life Mary Quant, a designer from the 60s onwards who has created great consumables such as clothing, make-up, 'Daisy' dolls that are soooo much better than Barbie, perfume and radcore stockings.  Obsessive compulsive is the best disorder ever xx. 

Sunday, 22 June 2008

"She was as red as eternal sunsets."

I woke up one morning
And discovered the colour red.
It set the skies on fire
Lit the darkness
And flowed through me
Pulling all the pieces together.
The rainbow smiled
As he found his missing piece
And I smiled back 
Because I too found mine. 
She was as red as eternal sunsets. 

The synergy of poetry, art and colour made possible by the poetry of Ashton Rigg, the artwork of yours truely and the colour red. P.S, if Miss Rigg will not 'let her light shine' I will do it for her :)

Saturday, 21 June 2008

The World Wide Web

I can't seem to help myself it seems but constantly update my many profiles on the net pretty much on a daily basis.  I love html-ing like a pig loves rolling around in its own poo.  It makes me happy to be able to make my virtual spaces look pretty, especially if at times I can't make my real life places look clean, neat, creative and classy.  I have a myspace, facebook, red bubble, lomo home, noise art profile, big cartel, photobucket and of coarse a blogspot.  I could turn it into a song if I felt the musical inclination "I've got a myspace, ..., la la la,  and and more virtual friends than you could ever know, and they comment me every day".  

Somedays I wish I could have a letterbox full of heartfelt snail mail, but in the wise words of Bob Dylan 'the times, they are a changin', and alas I greatly enjoy many aspects of these changes.  I can see things that I could never have exposure to without the world wide web from the comfort of my home and even if it is a false sense of oneness.  I take comfort in the fact I can see profiles of people around the world who aren't that different from me and know that even if most of the people closer to home 'don't get me' there are others out there with the same interests, hopes and dreams xx. 

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


Spits out her cup of tea with laughter!
Smiling again thanks to a special homo xx. 

Tuesday, 17 June 2008


See your reflection in your mind
You keep your revelations wide eyed
They knew just where to draw the line
You let them get you every time

For years now the music of Low has touched my heart in ways that most music can't reach. There's something highly hypnotic about it, it takes me to another place, where I am calm and feel a heightened sense of emotion and truth. It is like therapy for my soul and once I have poured out my feelings through listening to one of their albums I feel refreshed and ready to get on with the day. The complimentary harmonies of a husband and wife not hiding their darkness, or denying it's existence, but crafting the lows into heartwarming songs that we can all relate to. Songs like 'Sunflower', 'When I go deaf' and 'Two-Step' just rip right through me, while songs like 'Canada' and 'Walk into the Sea' make me feel like I could move mountains. If they were around in 1967 you would know who they are two, and probably own their greatest hits collection, which is where they rightfully belong xx.

Monday, 16 June 2008


Your a Bloody Mother F**king Asshole
That pretty much covers it xx. 

Saturday, 14 June 2008

'Toot Toot'

I am finally learning to drive, for real this time! So happy. One day I will be amongst you all driving like a normal human being.  Oh I can't wait to be on the road with my stereo blaring "baby you can drive my car..."xx. 

Friday, 13 June 2008


Just sharing the love with some 'groovy' sixties picture finds.  There will be new original artworks by yours truly to follow I promise xx.


I have to agree with Mr Warhol in that the waiting game is often the most exciting part of an experience.  You often spend a great deal of time anticipating a momentous event in your life, feeling joy, excitement and even rushes of dopamine, and the way the event pans out can often be a total let down.  But the story your mind crafts of the event is so enjoyable that it is a real pity that you have to destroy it by actually experiencing what you anticipate, or the letdown of it never happening.  So I'm going to milk the bus ride to my hopes and dreams, cross my fingers and toes that they pan out at least slightly how I hope for them to.  It may be totally let down, leaving my heart wounded but hey the bus trip to total devastation will have been awesome xx. 

P.S. Sorry for not talking about art more, I know that is what this blog is meant to be about, but at least it provides background information about my feelings that influence my artworks.  

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Girl Bomb

Hey guess what? I have decided what I want to do with my life.  I want to be her.  The above pictures are of Melbourne's very own 6T's loving Go-Go dancing DJ Girl Bomb.  Her life looks like so much fun, and although I don't think I would be outgoing enough to pull off running a club, I would sure like to pull off a mass theft of everything she owns! The Sixties were such an amazing time of change in technology, colour, fashion, history and music.  Everything was done better then, if you look at modern versions of things, for the most part the quality just doesn't compare.  Seriously guys, let some 60's sunshine in xx. 

Wednesday, 11 June 2008


One of the things I find most inspiring are the collections of collectors.  Everything from vintage salt and pepper shakers to Russian Spy Cameras.  I love quirky people, and such an obsession to collect a particular item is a sign of a true individual.  Plus I'm quite greedy and would love to steal the collection while they're not looking.  I started collecting red things a while ago, including a red double decker bus toy that I have had for as long as I can remember and a London telephone box that I bought for a Friend being the horrible person I am I had to ask for it back! I also collect Frankie Magazine (I have every single issue), music, buttons, pictures, friends, 60's things, beads, Pokemon and Tazo cards back in the day and sentiments of my life. Feel free to give me awesome stuff xx.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Love like they do in the Movies

I think maybe that we've been brainwashed by the movies into believing there is a smooth coarse for relationships, that girl likes boy, and boy does boy like girl.  They have days of wonderful kodak moments together, uninterrupted by loads of washing, trips to the toilet and lets face it, the harsh reality of life in all its awkward glory.  In fact, the Brady Bunch household didn't even have a toilet! Why because the producers didn't think it contributed to the ideals of a happy suburban romance ("sunshine, lollypops and rainbows...").  

About this point both hopelessly having trouble walking on solid ground (not to mention keeping it in their pants), when the woman is ready to trust this lucky guy completely, the guy does something ridiculously stupid as men do at the most inappropriate times in the most inappropriate way at least a couple times a day (and no I'm not a feminist I'm a realist :)  

The woman feels great heartache, as one does, as male stupidity can be very distressing.  Meanwhile the man is in tatters as to how they should spend their time, and they realize they are nothing without their dear lassie.  So what must he do? He must stop her from getting in that car/plane/unicycle and leaving him forever! And stop her with one grand gesture that sweeps her off her feet, such as jumping on the moving vehicle, risking his dear life for his dear lassie, saying a cheesy line and a passionate kiss accompanied by Celine Dion or Ricky Martin.   They indeed do live happily ever after, until the camera stops rolling anyway.   

Ahhh yes I must admit this happens to me all the time. I get on that 1E Sunbus and a gorgeous Ashton Kutcher throws himself at me with promises of never ending tender loving care.  Then the bus driver wakes me up as its the end of his shift and I'm drooling all over the upholstery.  Curtains close for a big finale.  The End xx.   

P.S. If you think your my Patrick Swaze my contact details are below.  You know who you are.  

Closed Doors

Have you ever noticed how you can want something so much, that the opportunity will present itself in a surprising manner, and rather than acting on your desires you miss the opportunity thinking you will get another one.  This has happened to me countless times, I have been offered almost everything I could want in someone but there is always something in the way.  In a sense you know your doing the right thing but when you know how sad it makes you feel and in a way you believe it does for person B.  Why can't you just push down the barriers? I have to wonder whether I am constantly knocking on closed doors because I'm afraid of having something real, whether there's something great in store for me around the corner or whether I'm destined to be a lighthouse keeper.  

Maybe Andy Warhol is right, in that the thrill of the chase, the anticipation and desire really is the best part. I sure hope not xx.    

Saturday, 7 June 2008

"... not us though, we are POSITIVE people"

So far it seems, 2008 is not my year.  It is more of a stepping stone between one life goal and the next, a preparative year.  I have made many mistakes so far this year, many of which I am not proud of, but I hope that the second half of the year can be more predictive, more enjoyable and a better representation of who I am and who I hope to become.  Although I feel disappointed at how little I have achieved in the past 8 months, in a sense I have achieved more in this time than if I had done what I had wanted in 2007.  I now know how challenging life can be, the frustrations of living with other people, and being an adult in general.  What's more is I have learned the general direction I need to go with my life, pursuing a creative career, and a university degree that matches.  Although that was what my instinct was telling me all along, at least now I won't be second guessing myself and will put my whole heart into building a successful creative career for myself, rather than wondering what would have been if I settled down and attempted a normal job and a normal life for myself in Cairns.  Not to say that this year has been without any positives, as I have made some great friends, built upon existing ones and had some unforgettable times and more to come.  

So as for the remaining months of 2008, I will work my hardest to prepare solidly for 2009- the first year of the rest of my life xx.

A Manifesto by Florence Broadhurst

written at fifteen years old

I shall do great things.  My name shall not be lauded but in my way I shall do great things.  I shall not let personal ambition and greed grip my soul in its hungry hands.  I will not let my youth slip away without laughter and the joy of living making my face bright and my will strong.  I will not be evil; neither shall I speak of evil to others.  I will not judge, for no man is worthy enough to judge his neighbour.  I will grasp the goodness and the beauty of life, and throw away the ugliness and bitterness.  I will turn my face to the light; yet remember the darkness that lies behind and around me.  I will not blame others for my many sorrows and defeats, for man has but himself to blame for failure.  Yes, I will fail and in failing I will try again, I will fall and in falling, climb.  Yes, I will be selfish, for ultimately I will gratify and bring happiness to myself by giving it away in large measurements to others...

 No real happiness can come to him who keeps his happiness to himself and does not share it with the whole world.  Sympathy, sorrow, joy, yes, even anger will be my lot and I will thank God that I have the depth to feel these things.  I will thank Him for the glorious beauty of the world at sunset, for the unbeatable sweetness of song.  For the million, billion things which lie in wait for us every hour of the day, to please our sight and fill our eyes with perfection.  I shall envy no man, for the things which are precious and everlasting can be found in our own heart. Yes, with the help of God, and with no other mortal ever to know … I shall do great things.   


Friday, 6 June 2008

But when the sun shines again

I wish we could open our eyes
 to see in all directions at the same time 
Oh what a beautiful view
 if you were never aware of what was around you
And it is true what you said: 
that I live like a hermit in my own head
But when the sun shines again
I’ll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in

Lyrics - Marching bands in Manhattan by Death Cab for Cutie
Artwork - Jessica Shipard Original based on childhood photo

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Live Concert Captures

These are some live captures from the Kate Miller-Heidke gig.  Note how freely her arms are flowing and the gorgeous dress she was wearing.  I'm very happy with how these photos turned out, improved by the fact I pushed my way through to front row seats.  I almost want to go to concerts for the sake of good photos xx.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Kate Miller-Heidke Concert

On Friday night I attended Kate Miller-Heidke's concert at the Tanks and I must say that she was phenomenal.  From her first moment on stage she was so entertaining that I was captivated by every note she hit, every word she said and every moment she made.  She was funny, clever, experimental, intuitive, entertaining; a class act.  I have to say that this amount of talent is what I LOVE about indie culture and the creative industry in general.  They are constantly pushing the boundaries in their field and setting the bar higher and higher, not for the sake of competition but simply to do what they do well.  If your going to do something do it well and do it big.  Which brings me to my next topic, how am I to create an artwork with the theme big on a canvas size smaller than an A4 page for kickarts gallery? xx.