I have made up my mind, my decision is in, I am moving to Brisbane on the 1st of January, in pursuit of my dream of having a fruitful life full of art galleries, live music, craft markets, vintage shops and creative friends, but most of all working towards a career in the arts. The plan is to spend the 31st of December with my best friend Ashton reflecting on what will be the end of an era, and maybe making a scrapbook of the year that has been. We will stay up all night, with the help of copious amounts of coffee and wine and then I will fly out the next morning to start my new life in a new city. I will stay with my nana, while catch the train into the city everyday checking out share houses and looking for jobs. On the 4th of January I will attend 'Stars' concert at The Zoo; after missing out on seeing Stars perform live on 2 occasions I believe I owe it to myself to see them this time- no matter what. On the 15th of January (possibly sooner) I will find out if I have been successful in bagging a position at Griffith or QUT and will start a degree in Feb of 2009.
The pages keep turning, I'll mark off each day with a cross
And I'll laugh about all that we've lost
So that is the plan thus far, the rest is a beautiful mystery. I look forward to getting my new Frankie calender and Kikki.K 2009 diary and filling it with wonderful dates, concerts and art deadlines. If I had a goal for my life it would be that every year be more fruitful and busy than the last. I don't want to look back on my life 5 years from now and think that I should have worked harder or lived more, but be able to congratulate myself for creating the life I wanted by myself for myself from scratch. The year is not over yet, so I will cherish what is left, before I take on the challenge of my life, won't you join me? xx