- Swimming in the pool with my neighborhood friends in our house in Pease Street everyday, many times a day in the summer of 2001
- Hiking up to Bahana Gorge with mum; jumping under the waterfall once we were so hot we thought we would die; eating cherries and crackers in the shade
- Going to Rusty's market every weekend, it was a chore but I will sure miss having it there
- Staying up with Mum and Fiona while they were 'on the piss'; dancing around to 'friends forever'; hearing the story of how they became friends for the 20th time; having loving D&M's till Fiona's eyes glaze over and it's time for bed
- Spending time in my ever changing sanctuary; changing the pictures on my walls as interests came and left
- Hearing Missy Higgins 'the sound of white' with the lights down low in Clarke Street; LOW in the cool echoing house in Woree, and the opening track to Stars album 'Set Yourself on Fire'
- Going to the ice skating rink with Rosie and climbing onto the train track just because
- Going to see Pete Murray at the Karanda Amplitheatre with mum; being surrounded by darkened rainforest whist he sang 'So Beautiful'
- The angry.broken.tearful challenge that was 2003 and the fact that we have moved on
- Escaping boarding school for the occassional weekend
- Working till 3am in the morning with Domino's crew, it was stressful sometimes, but had its moments
- Arguing about music during visual art; talking matter-of-factly about everything like we were far older than we were; contemplating the universe
- Laying on the sand looking at the stars at Shipton's Flat, not needing to say anything at all but understanding eachother
- Going shopping with Eadon for perfume; Escada all the way!
- Learning to crochet; spreading my creations all around the school; sitting under the blacklight at the disco crocheting with fluro wools
- Climbing over mountains to Cedar Bay; swimming in the ocean and having D&M's about all sorts of things; making our cedar wood hair pins- thankyou Toni for making the body of mine and thankyou Tamsyn for searching for it in the creek and successfully finding it; my treasure
- Starting my most successful and enjoyable friendship to date; "I like Ash... just because"
- Being a year 12 at MSB; to many things to mention
- Getting drunk for the first time at Giovanna's party; drinking brain hamoages; sitting on the roof thinking we were within safe landing distrance from the ground; dancing like noone was watching (but yes they definately were... with a video camera in hand)
- Graduating; getting the most important rose of all; hearing 'let your light shine for the last time'; getting dolled up and dancing the night away with Eadon and Ash; driving away from MSB for the very last time as a student
- Forgetting all that and having great times with my partner in crime Ash; clubbing, Kate Miller-Hiedke concert going; and all the other little things in between (simply laptoping is enjoyable when its with her)
- Singing on stage with Ash at the Clare Bowditch Concert
- Hand-painting with my baby brother
- Op-shopping with mum and hearing about all her latest ebay finds & sales
- Updating my painting class on my love life every Friday
- Magic tricks and car trips talking about all sorts of things with Lenny
- Daybreaking it before I say farewell to the people and places that I made up my life in Cairns
I will never forget the special moments that I had in this town. I shall return to visit of coarse, but I have so much more to see; so many more scenes in the movie that is my life to act out. And to the people I've left behind or are taking a different journey, you know if I have spent any time with you talking in any depth about your future, it is because I have faith in you and your ability to have everything you could ever want. I want for you, what you want for yourself just as much, if not more than I want my dreams to come true. I will be gunning for all of you. Thankyou for the memories Cairns xx.
1 comment:
Hey Jessica
That concert was really fun, huh.
All the best with your move. Your paintings are gorgeous and you will go far.
Clare Bowditch
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